How Stan's Book Made A Difference!
“This Book Is a Basic Tool!” As a trauma therapist of over 34 years, too many tools only address segments of the person, and the results are less than maximal. Since it is written for the lay person it is especially useful for people attempting to sort out if they need therapy or not. The book takes the reader through several basic tasks that are very doable. Finally, the spiritual aspects of the person are not ignored. Since we are all made up of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual parts, they all need to be addressed if we are to be successful in life
“Great Basic Reminders!” “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear” is a fast and easy read that provides common scenarios that most readers will relate with. Stan Popovich offers a very practical guide for dealing with fear. He gives readers what they need to grab a hold of themselves and overcome their debilitating fears. His layman’s approach avoids all the technical jargon. “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear” will make a good pocket-guide to add to any library.
“Beneficial Techniques and Truths!” As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I have counseled many people who have struggled in a way that Stanley Popovich discusses in his book. I am thrilled to see a book that not only contains practical techniques to deal with anxiety but also point to truths about God and His promises to help us. Stanley Popovich never leaves one thinking they must cope with anxiety alone. He makes it clear that additional help is beneficial.
“Good Solutions for Your Anxiety!” Stanley’s book offers a bouquet of solutions and suggestions on handling fear and anxiety. He has just the right mix of facts and faith. This unique approach will appeal to anyone struggling with anxiety.
“Clear Approaches Presented in Dealing with Fear!” I found this book well organized and easy to read, which is an important feature in this busy world in which we live. The presentation of managing fear using psychological techniques and faith was refreshing. In addition, the resources, scriptures, and note pages were thoughtful additions for readers. Nicely done.
‘A Good Resource!” As a trained mental health professional, I believe Mr. Popovich has managed to write an accessible piece of work that is rooted in effective foundational methods that have shown to be effective in dealing with fear. The book is concise, clear, and the content is easy to integrate. I would recommend this book to any non-mental health professional who wants to change their experience with fear.