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- Includes interviews with many mental health counselors.
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A Layman's Guide To Managing Fear
A Layman's Guide To Managing Fear
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Testimonials from Mental Health Professionals
“I Use the Same Suggestions and Tactics In My Practice!” A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear is a great self-help book. I have been a counselor for many years now and I use some of the same suggestions and tactics in my practice and you didn’t have to pay $55.00 an hour to hear them!
Mark Myers
“A Great Balance!” I really enjoyed the way this book balanced Christianity & Psychology. The author shows how these viewpoints can work in harmony with each other. There is never just one single approach to help us face our fears. It is accomplished by taking the steps that work best for us and mingling them together to find our perfect workable solution. This book gives us insight into many different approaches. The author then leaves the door open for us to pick which works best for us and run with it.
“A Potential Small Group Resource!” I can see how this book could be used in a small group setting as it offers practical methods to move through fear that could be role played in a safe environment.
Vickey Gibbs
“This Book Is Worth Your Time!” This e-book is easy to read and understand and is full of practical information. As a professional counselor in private practice, I see many clients struggling with anxiety and other mood issues. The information presented can be a good place to start to address these issues.
“Good Information!” I like this book because it is short and sweet but very compact in rich material. The author uses common sense, current research, as well as his own experience to provide the reader with lots of good tips to deal with anxiety. Highly recommend it!