How Stan's Book Made A Difference!
Great E-Book for Information Regarding Anxiety!” This e-book is easy to read and understand. It has a great deal of practical information. As a professional counselor in private practice, I work with many clients struggling with anxiety and other mood disorders and would recommend this book as a place to start to address these issues.
“A How-To Book About Overcoming Fear!” This book by Stanley Popovich gives three different, but coinciding methods of overcoming fear, not just that which paralyzes us, but even the smaller fears that nag at the back of the mind. At the end there are several blank pages for notes and to try these ways to overcome fear. To use this book effectively, one should have a notebook (or the pages from the end of the book) and practice each method for overcoming their fears as it comes up in the book. I would recommend it and the references in it to work on any fears you may have, not just big ones, but even the little ones that can sometimes paralyze you. The Bible references are well thought out as is the rest of the book’s methods to overcome fear.
“For Any Interest Level!” A Laymen’s Guide to Managing Fear is written in such a way that any person, with or without official training, can benefit from. As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a doctoral candidate, I would recommend this book as a starting point to understanding and managing fear with a focus on faith and self-empowerment. The author has accurately depicted various techniques aimed at overcoming fear and presents them in a usable format. Not overly clinically written, this book is an easy read with relevant information. I mention that it is a starting point based on its simplicity in detail. Even the author emphasizes a need for readers to acknowledge when to seek professional help. Overall, a quick and easy read for anyone interested in managing fear.
“Stan’s Book Is Timely and Sound!” Fear is a timely subject in today’s anxiety-riddled world, and Stanley Popovich does an excellent job in delving into what fear is and its various forms. He then explains in detail three effective and powerful approaches in managing fear: general counseling techniques, reliance upon God, and non-resistant methods, which means accepting one’s fear but not dwelling upon it. Mr. Popovich goes one step further–he shows how to employ these three approaches together. I highly recommend this well-written and well-researched book to everyone seeking a down-to-earth, holistic approach to managing his or her own fears.
“Stan’s Book Offers Many Approaches to Overcoming Fear!” Stanley Popovich’s book, A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear, is a practical book for the person challenged with anxiety and fear. I thought it provided many examples of strategies for coping with what can be very debilitating. The facts that anxiety and fear are very complex and “one size doesn’t fit all” when addressing the challenges of anxiety are key. Many times, we need to try a number of approaches in order to get results. As a trained clinical social worker, I would suggest this book as an excellent means of educating oneself about anxiety and fear and developing a self-help plan for coping.
“One Powerful Book That Can Change Your Life!” Within this book are the answers that so many people so desperately need to hear. There is hope and freedom in the pages of this small life saver, and the power to be set free from the fear that holds so many captive. This is not your typical self-help book that spouts out ideas and suggestions on coping with the struggles in one’s life. Popovich has obviously spent countless hours researching the subject and making certain that the book reflects not only his own experiences, but also the experiences of others as well. Don’t miss out on this book!