Managing The Fear of The Unknown
By: Stanley Popovich
Do you ever worry about what will happen in the future?
The prospect of not knowing if something good or bad will happen can produce a lot of fear and anxiety in your life.
What Is the Fear of The Unknown?
Fear of the unknown is an intense fear of uncertain or unfamiliar situations. It’s a psychological response to a lack of knowledge or information. It can lead to intense distress or anxiety and interfere with your life.
Worrying about the fear of the future disrupts a person’s life and may cause other health problems. People with this condition may imagine worst-case scenarios and catastrophize most things that happen in their lives.
How To Overcome the Fear of The Future
1. You can’t predict everything: Remember that no one can predict the future with one hundred percent certainty. There are small circumstances and factors that may happen down the road that you can’t predict which may work in your favor.
For instance, you miss the deadline for a project you have been working on. Everything you feared is coming true. Suddenly, your boss tells you that the deadline is extended and that he forgot to tell you. This unknown factor changes everything.
2. Take it one day at a time: Instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week or coming months, try to focus on today. Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your problems.
3. Differentiate your thoughts: Ask yourself whether you’re thinking is productive. For example, focus on the solutions when you’re working on a problem. Acknowledge when your thoughts aren’t productive and get up and do something for a few minutes to get a better perspective on things.
4. Use Self-Visualization: Sometimes, we can get anxious over a task that we will have to perform in the future. When this happens, visualize yourself doing the task in your mind. For instance, you are going to play in a hockey game in front of a large group of people in the next few days. Before the big day comes, imagine yourself playing the game in your mind. By doing this, you will be better prepared when the time comes.
5. Live in the moment: One way to stop worrying about the future is to focus on the present. Mindfulness is a practice that can help people focus on the present. It involves focusing on the present moment and building a greater self-awareness of how you feel.
6. Do some research: You can reduce your fear of the unknown by increasing what you know. With the right amount of information, you will find it easier to make decisions. By listing factors within your control and taking one small step each day, you can take control over your life.
7. Create a plan: Break down large, uncertain situations into smaller, manageable steps with concrete actions you can take.
8. Challenge your negative thinking: When you find yourself worrying regarding a future event look at the facts. Focus on the reality of your situation and not on your thoughts.
9. Look at things realistically: You may find yourself consumed with worry about future possibilities when there is no real evidence that it may occur. For example, you worry about losing your job, but you have received no indication from anyone of any signs. Looking at your situation realistically may help you to reduce your worry.
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