Suicide Is Not The Answer

There Are Options Other Than Suicide


By: Stanley Popovich

You are at the end of your rope and you can’t take it any much longer. You are in pain and you feel there is no hope.

The first step you need to do is to seek treatment for your mental health issues. Do not make the decision to end your life when you are in these kinds of fearful situations.

What Is Suicide and The Warning Signs

Suicide is death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die. Suicide occurs in the context of a major depressive episode, but it may occur as a result of a substance use or other disorder. It sometimes occurs in the absence of any psychiatric disorder such as declining health.

Some warning signs of somebody who may consider suicide include talking about suicide, isolating and withdrawing from social contact, mood swings, fixation on death or violence, expressing feelings of being a burden to others, feeling trapped or hopeless in a situation, increase use of alcohol or drugs, and change in routine such as eating or sleeping.

Suicide Is Not the Answer

1. Things change over time: Although it might seem as if your pain and unhappiness will never end, it is important to realize that crises are temporary. Solutions are available, feelings change, and unexpected positive events occur. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. 

2. There are other options: You may feel lost and confused, but the answers to your specific problems are available. The key is that you have to find the answers, however the solutions to your anxieties and depression will not come to you. As mentioned before, the first step in finding the solution to your problem is to seek help from a qualified professional.

3. You can’t predict the future: Remember that no one can predict the future with one hundred percent certainty. There are small circumstances and factors that may happen down the road that you can’t predict which may work in your favor.

4. Focus on the facts of your situation: When people are depressed, they rely on their fearful and depressing thoughts.  Your fearful thoughts are exaggerated and not based on reality. When you are depressed, focus on the facts of your current situation and not on what you think. Do not assume anything regarding your current situation.

5. Worrying makes things worse: Our worrying can make the problem worse. All the worrying in the world will not change anything. The best thing you can do is to do your best each day and when something does happen, take it in stride. Do not get upset and learn how to manage your negative thoughts.

6. Talking helps: Talk to someone you trust and who is likely to listen with compassion and acceptance. You want to talk to someone who won’t try to argue with you, judge you, or tell you to “snap out of it.” Find someone who will listen and be there for you.

7. Go to the hospital when it is that bad: If things are so bad that you are unable to function, drop everything and go to your local hospital or crisis center immediately. The people at the hospital or crisis center will take care of you.

8. No situation is hopeless: There are many people and organizations that are willing to help you, but you must be willing to take advantage of this help. Regardless of your situation, take advantage of the assistance that is available. Every problem has a solution. 

9. It will get better: A time will come where you will see things differently. The key is to give it some time and to talk to a mental health professional who can help you. Eventually, you will learn new things that will give you a better perspective on your situation.

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