Alcohol Will Not Take Away Your Fears

Drugs And Alcohol Will Not Help You


By: Stanley Popovich

Drugs and alcohol will not take away your problems and fears.

In the short run, they might make you feel better, but in the long run these addictions will make things worse.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Dealing with a mental health disorder can be a challenge for the person who is struggling. When a problem with substance use is involved, the healing process can get complex.

A mental health disorder and a drug or alcohol addiction have separate symptoms that can make everyday life difficult. In addition, one problem can affect the other. If a mental health disorder is ignored, substance use can get worse. An increased use of substances can make mental health worse.

How Drugs & Alcohol Affect Mental Health

1. They make things worse: An addicted person needs an increasing amount of their substance of choice to get the same high. This is what leads to the most damaging effects of addiction. 

2. Substances can cause stress: Frequent alcohol and drug consumption as a way of dealing with stress can be counterproductive. Even if you feel relaxed for a couple of hours after using a substance, when the effect passes, you have to face the same stress again, which can lead you to use again, creating a vicious cycle.

3. Drugs and alcohol interrupts sleep: Using drugs and alcohol can affect your sleep patterns, which in turn can increase symptoms of depression like exhaustion and difficulty concentrating.

4. Substance abuse impacts physical health: In addition to impacting mental health, misusing drugs and alcohol can have serious effects on physical health. These include increased risk of diseases like cirrhosis or liver disease and certain types of cancers.

5. Substance abuse will delay your recovery: Trying to avoid your addictions will do nothing in getting rid of your fears and anxieties. You will eventually have to confront your mental health issues. Drugs and alcohol will delay the process.

6. Drugs and alcohol can make things difficult: Drugs and alcohol can make your problems more complicated. Many professionals have said that substance abuse will make your situation worse. Be smart and learn how to cope with your mental health issues the right way.

7. Talk to a former addict: If you think that drugs and alcohol will solve your problems, then try talking to someone who has been down that road. By talking to a former addict, you will get the truth on how substance abuse can ruin your life.

8. Drugs and alcohol are not the answers to your problems: Getting the help you need and learning how to deal with your situation are the most effective ways in managing your fears, anxieties, and addictions. In time, you will be better able to maintain your mental health.

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