How Stan's Book Made A Difference!

Brittany Edge

Easy To Read and Informative!” A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear does a great job summarizing a variety of useful approaches to managing fear in our everyday lives. It offers a summary of approaches that are used in psychotherapy and provides great examples to illustrate the points he is making. The examples he uses are ones that we can all relate to and illustrate common struggles. This is a great book to start to get an understanding on how to work through fear. It is easy to read and informative; I would recommend it to helping professionals and layman.

Jacqueline Milton

“A Down To Earth Book!” As a clinical social worker, I facilitate support groups and fear of something comes up on a weekly basis. This is a good resource book that someone could keep in their purse or pocket so they could easily get to it as needed. It is written so that the average person can understand it. It stays away all the clinical jargon. I will be recommending this book to some of my clients. The book gives helpful examples of how the guidelines can be applied to a given situation. The book isn’t too long for those people who either do not like to read or have a short attention span.

Prezillic Daniels

“This Book Can Change Your Life!” A Layman’s Guide to managing fear, clearly explains three concepts to address and overcome fear including listing the steps. This book was presented in a manner easy to read and comprehend. I was able to read the book in about two hours, as it was interesting and inspirational. I would highly recommend this book, to anyone who is dealing with fear. This book has the potential to change your perception and the way you view life.

Doug Fox

“A Fresh and Well Written Resource!” As a Cognitive-Behavioral Christian Counselor, I am always looking for fresh and simple well written resources to recommend to either my counseling clients or my hospital clients. Stan’s book is brief yet well written with many good examples of the skills that he outlines for managing fear. I was glad to see how he uses faith in God to overcome our fears. Learning to accept that God is faithful helps us to accept the many things in life that are outside of our control. From the perspective of emotional regulation, faith overcomes fear. Stan encourages his readers to overcome their fears by strengthening their faith. Smart.

Bonnie Roberts

“Great Book for My Clients!” I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and have used Stan’s techniques with my clients. I have found this book to be a very helpful tool as part of their treatment. Stanley’s book proved to be very readable and practical in helping people choose the best solution for them in managing anxiety and fear. I would recommend this book for counselors, individuals, pastors, or anyone in the helping profession.

Clive Hallam

“Stan’s Book Is a Helpful Tool!” I am a licensed marriage and family therapist and have worked with many people with many different challenges. Having resources to give the people I work with is important to me as I believe we all need as much good information as possible to help facilitate change. A layman’s guide to managing fear is an excellent tool for anyone. This book provides relevant and accessible information that can empower people to manage their fear. This is a book worth having and using.