How My Mental Health Story Can Help You!


My name is Stan Popovich, and I am a Penn State graduate who struggled with anxiety for 20+ years.

There were many times in my life I felt like giving up. During these difficult times, my anxieties and fears were so powerful that I had trouble getting through each week.

The most difficult thing I faced when struggling with my mental health was finding the answers that would take away my anxieties and fears in a timely manner.

The Problems I Faced In Getting Help

  • Mental health counseling can get expensive even with health insurance.
  • Many low-cost mental health programs have a 3+ month waiting list. 
  • Many places experience a lot of counseling staff turnovers.
  • It took me some time to find good counselors who were knowledgeable.
  • Many of the mental health books out there are technical and long.

What I Did To Get Help In My Own Life

  • I documented all of my sessions I had with various counselors into a small notebook.
  • I wrote down every technique I learned over the years. 
  • I included personal insights from those who struggled with their mental health.
  • I constantly updated my notebook with many different counselors.
  • I organized my notes into a small book titled A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear.

10 Reasons Why You Should Read My Affordable Book

A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear provides you with a variety of techniques to help manage your mental health. Usually, what works for one person may not work for someone else.

  • Covers many of today’s counseling techniques and some spiritual advice.
  • Offers you multiple techniques and approaches in dealing with mental health.
  • Discover additional approaches that other books do not cover.
  • You can read this book in an hour. 
  • Reduce your learning curve. Save a lot of time and money in expensive counseling.
  • Includes interviews with various mental health counselors.
  • Includes the insights from those who struggle with their mental health.
  • This book was reviewed by many counselors prior to publication.
  • You can use my book with your mental health counselor.
  • Includes real-life examples you can relate to.


Please review the rest of this website to see how my free mental health advice and book can help you and the people you know! 

Your Friend,
Stanley Popovich

Stan Popovich

Stan's Managing Fear Background

Testimonials from Mental Health Professionals