How To Use God To Manage Fear
By: Stanley Popovich
Do you ever wonder how you can use God to help manage your fears and anxieties?
God is stronger than your fears and anxieties and it is important to know how to use God in your life when struggling with your mental health.
God And Your Mental Health
Believing in God can be important to mental health because it provides a source of comfort, meaning, hope, and a sense of connection during difficult times. God helps people find peace and strength through prayer and faith, especially when facing anxieties that may seem overwhelming.
How To Use God to Manage Mental Health
1. Start praying: The first step a person should do is to start talking to God. A person can go to church or to a quiet place to tell God that they are having a problem. They can tell God how they feel and ask God for some of his help. A person could review the Bible and read some articles on trusting in God and apply these concepts in their life.
2. Rely on the power of God: The power of God is the one power that is stronger than your fears and anxieties. God loves each one of us and has the power to solve your problems. God will help you if you ask Him.
3. Include God in your life: A person should be aware of how God is working in their life. God works in mysterious ways and the answers He provides might not be that obvious. An individual must be aware of God’s presence when they are dealing with their fears and anxieties.
4. Create dialogue: Talking to God can be hard when you feel like you’re facing the world alone. You may be asking, ‘Why am I going through this?’ or ‘Where are you in this?’ It’s okay to feel disheartened by your situation, but you can’t focus on your discouragement. Talking to God can help you lean on him.
5. Be open-minded: Some people think that the answers that God provides must be religious in nature. That is not always the case. These answers could involve basic psychology and cognitive techniques that deal with how to manage fear and anxiety. Do not dismiss basic psychological techniques that could be a factor in your recovery.
6. Prayer works: There are many inspirational magazines and books on how people were helped through the power of prayer. Read some articles to get an idea on how effective prayer can be in your life. Never doubt the power of God when it comes to dealing with life’s challenges. God can help you get your life back on track.
7. Meditation can help: Focus on specific Bible verses or imagery that bring comfort and instill faith in God’s ability to handle your worries and fears.
8. Talk to a priest or minister: If you are having trouble, talk to a member of the clergy to help reduce your fears and anxieties. A priest or minister will be able to provide you with additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. By talking to someone, a person will be able to improve their mental health in the long run.
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