By: Stan Popovich
Have you been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, such as cancer, or a major health event such as a stroke, heart attack, or injury?
You may feel overwhelmed by waves of difficult emotions from fear and worry to sadness, despair, and grief.
There are several things that you can do to help manage your fears when you have an illness.
Some Common Responses to An Illness
As time passes, you may continue to experience a range of emotions. It’s normal to feel some of the following:
- Shock
- Fear
- Anger
- Resentment
- Denial
- Helplessness
- Sadness
- Frustration
- Acceptance
How You Can Cope with a Serious Illness
It’s important to know that there are things you can do. There are steps you can take to better cope with your new situation and find ways to navigate your challenging journey.
1. Get the facts: The first step is to get all the information you need to know that will help you. Your health care team can provide or recommend reputable resources that will explain your diagnosis and treatment options. Knowledge is power, and understanding the facts will help you have two-way conversations with your health care team.
2. Determine your options: The next step is to go through your options with your doctor. Determine what you can do to get better. It is recommended that you get a second and third opinion from other doctors. You do not want to rely on one person’s advice when making a life altering decision regarding your health.
3. Focus on your abilities: Try not to compare your situation with the way things used to be. This can produce “all-or-nothing thinking” which is the idea that if you cannot do something exactly as before you can no longer do it at all. Modify or change your activities instead.
4. Stay calm: Remain positive and avoid negative thinking if possible. Read some self-help books that have a lot of positive affirmations and statements. Reading these statements can help you to remain positive and replace negative thoughts.
5. Look after your emotions: When dealing with a life-limiting illness you might become concerned about what is happening and feel a sense of helplessness. This is common and can lead to anxiety, depression, and negative emotions such as sadness and frustration.
6. Spend time with friends: Develop a network of friends and participate in different social activities. Friends can reduce loneliness, and they can give you encouragement regarding your situation. A person can volunteer their time to help others.
7. Find new joy: Reconnecting to what brings you meaning, purpose, and joy will help you feel less defined by your illness. Embracing what gives your life meaning will help you regain the sense of self and purpose that you may feel you have lost.
Explore new hobbies or new experiences such as the arts, crafting, writing, baking, or even volunteering. Find something that will nourish your soul.
8. Ask for help: Often friends and family are happy to prepare meals, provide transportation, or help with household chores. Accepting help allows those who care about you to contribute during a difficult time. It also lowers the burden and stress on caregivers and other family members.
9. Look for a support program: There are many organizations that can match you with a person who has survived the same type of medical condition. Whether it’s in-person, online, or via telephone, you can receive one-on-one support from someone who has firsthand experience of what you’re experiencing.
How Prayer Can Help You
Prayer can be very powerful in managing your fears, anxieties, and other mental health issues. There are countless numbers of people who have experienced the power of prayer in their lives.
Here is how prayer can be effective in managing your anxieties and fears when facing an illness.
1. You are tapping into the power of God: God is stronger than your fears and anxieties and prayer is the connection to the power of God. A simple prayer can do wonders in managing your fears.
2. Prayer works: There are many inspirational magazines and books on how people were helped through the power of prayer. Read some articles to get an idea on how effective prayer can be for you. Never doubt the power of God when it comes to dealing with your challenges.
3. Prayer can reduce your fears: A person who prays may find it easier to reduce their fears and anxieties. Praying helps you believe that God will help shoulder your burdens instead of dealing with your anxieties all by yourself.
4. You are in God’s hands: The fact of the matter is that you can’t live forever. Some things in life are out of our control and your best bet is to include God in your life. You will be better off in the long run if you use the power of God in your life even when you are healthy. Do not let fear or anger stop you from talking to God.
5. Talk to a priest or minister: If you have trouble praying, talk to a member of the clergy to help deal with your situation. They will be able to provide you with additional advice and insights regarding any questions you may have. By talking to a priest or minister you will have a better understanding on how to get God to help you with your situation.
How To Handle a Life-Threatening Diagnosis
It is important to surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Find small things that you can enjoy every day and set realistic short-term goals for yourself. Small goals such as a visit to a park or a phone call with a close friend can help you make the most of each day.
Being diagnosed with a life-threatening or terminal disease is likely to trigger feelings of fear and grief. Consider including God in your life. It is never too late to turn your life over to God. Regardless how you may feel, God will help you if you ask Him. Remember that God’s ways are not always our ways.
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