How To Create Goals

Managing Your Goals And Mental Health

By: Stan Popovich

Do you have a difficult time distracting yourself from your fears and anxieties?

Creating goals can help you to focus on the positive things in your life rather than dwelling on your worries.

There are several ways on how you can use goals to help manage your fears and anxieties.

What Is Goal Setting?

Goal setting is a powerful process that involves identifying specific objectives or desired outcomes and creating a plan to achieve them. It is the process of envisioning what you want to accomplish and determining the steps needed to turn your aspirations into reality. 

Goal setting is important because it provides direction and purpose. It helps define what needs to be achieved, provides motivation, and serves as a roadmap for success. Setting goals promotes personal and professional growth.

Why Goals Are Important

Direction and purpose: Goals give us a clear sense of direction and purpose and help us to channel our thoughts and energy towards a specific outcome. They provide a roadmap for how to achieve our desired results. 

Focus: Developing goals will help you manage your fears because goals will distract you from dwelling on your anxieties. For instance, you have to finish a report by the end of the week. If you focus on finishing your report, this will distract you from your anxieties.

Motivation: Goals help us to stay motivated and engaged. When we have a goal to work towards, we are more likely to take action and persist in the face of obstacles. Goals help to keep us motivated and engaged.

Self-confidence: If you can accomplish some of your goals, you will become confident in yourself. Achieving your goals will give you the courage to pursue other things in your life and will give you motivation in dealing with your anxieties. 

How You Can Achieve Your Goals

While the goals you set are important, how you set your goals is critical to your success. Here are some goal-setting tips that can help you to succeed.

1. Think about the results: Take a close look at what you’re trying to achieve and ask yourself the following questions:

Is this goal something you want?
Does it align with your values or other goals?
Is it important enough to pour hours of time and effort into it?

2. Create SMART goals: Once you know what you want, ensure your goal meets the SMART criteria:

• Specific-A specific goal is a goal that has a bit of depth to it. It is important to know what needs to be done for the goal to be a success.
• Measurable-A goal is one that can be measured. When you set goals, it’s important to make sure you know what metrics you will use to evaluate when you’ve met your goal. Measurable goals can be quantitative or qualitative.
• Attainable-A goal that is attainable is a goal that you can accomplish. To figure out whether your goal is attainable, ask yourself if you can still meet it with the time and resources that you have.
• Relevant-A goal needs to be important enough to you that you want to meet it. Recognize what you care about and choose a goal that you will like.
• Time-boundBe specific with the dates you choose, and make sure that you can complete the goal without getting anxious.

3. Write down your goals: Get your goal out of your imagination and on to a piece of paper. This then becomes a statement of intent. The process of writing down your goal or target forces the subconscious to accept the commitment you have made to work towards your target.

4. Visualize success: To achieve your goals, you need to know what success looks like. Visualization is a practice that helps you imagine the results you want to achieve as if you’ve already accomplished them. It involves using all your senses to train your brain to get familiar with the experience of reaching your goal. One way you can do this is by creating a vision statement, which is a statement that describes your personal values and goals.

5. Create an action plan: Many people decide on a goal but do not create an action plan to determine how they will meet that goal. Your action plan should include the goal you’re trying to meet and all the steps you need to take to get there.

6. Make a timeline: As part of your action plan, use a timeline to help visualize roles, tasks, milestones, and deadlines to achieve your goal. Try to meet those tasks based on your timeline.

7. Develop your skillsets: It is possible that a new goal will necessitate learning a new skill or will require some form of personal growth. Figure out what new knowledge you will need, or what new skills you will have to develop. Find the best source for gaining this knowledge and invest wisely to develop the assets you need on your path to success.

8. Learn from your mistakes: Making mistakes is sometimes part of the process of moving toward achieving your goals. However, failing does not have to determine your overall success. You can reassess your plan and alter it. Failing is a great opportunity for learning new strategies.

9. Re-evaluate and measure your progress: Reviewing and evaluating your goals is a key aspect of goal-setting process. It allows you to assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments to stay aligned with your overall purpose and vision. 

Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Achieving your goals can give us a strong sense of accomplishment. However, if you focus on the result, you may forget the important milestones along the way. It’s important to recognize and reward smaller successes on the way to larger achievements. 

You can talk to a mental health counselor on how you can use goals to help manage your anxieties and fears. Focusing on your goals is a great way to distract yourself from your current fears and anxieties.

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