Depression Warning Signs

Knowing The Warning Signs of Depression

By: Stan Popovich

Do you ever wonder if somebody you know may be struggling with depression and anxiety, but you are not sure?

It can be challenging to know what you should do in these kinds of situations.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help the person who may need some help.

Know The Warning Signs of Depression 

Depression symptoms vary from person to person. They can include:

1. Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness, or hopelessness.
2. Angry outbursts or frustration over small matters.
3. Loss of interest or pleasure in most or all normal activities.
4. Sleeping too little or too much.
5. Tiredness and lack of energy, so even small tasks take extra effort.
6. Reduced appetite and weight loss or increased appetite and weight gain.
7. Physical problems that can’t be explained, such as back pain or headaches.
8. Anxiety, restlessness, or nervousness.
9. Slowed thinking, speaking or body movements.
10. Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, focusing on past failures.
11. Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things.
12. Frequent or repeated mention of not wanting to live, suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts.
13. Changes in their appearance and behaviors.
14. Increased use of drugs and alcohol.
15. Their physical health has started to decline.

For many people with depression, symptoms can affect daily activities at work or school. Depression also can affect social activities and relationships with others. Other people may feel generally miserable or unhappy without knowing why. 

How You Can Help

If you think something is going on with someone you know or care about, try to talk to them and encourage them to seek help if they need it.

1. Talk to the person: Talk about what you’ve seen and why you’re worried.

2. Be willing to listen: When they want to talk, listen to what they have to say. Don’t give advice or opinions and don’t judge them when they do talk to you.

3. Seek help from a professional: A health care or mental health provider is a good place to start. You could see a licensed counselor or psychologist who could give you some advice on what you can do. Talking to your doctor is also very important.

4. Give positive reinforcement: People with depression may judge themselves harshly and find fault with everything they do. Remind them of their positive qualities and how much they mean to you and others.

5. Make their life less stressful. Creating a routine may help a person with depression feel more in control. Offer to make a schedule for meals, medicine, physical activity, social support, and sleep, and help organize household chores. 

6. Find helpful organizations: Many organizations offer support groups, counseling, and other services for mental health issues and treatment.

7. Urge the person to take self-care steps: This includes eating healthy meals, getting the right amount of sleep, and being physically active.

How To Convince a Person to Get Help

What can you do if the person you know does have a mental health issue and they refuse to get any help? If this is the case, your next step is to try to convince the individual to seek treatment.

1. Be sensitive to the timing and place: Approach the person when they’re in a good mood, relaxed, and undistracted. Try to keep the conversation private, friendly, and relaxed. Avoid talking to someone when they are in a bad mood, tired, or if they’re doing something important.

2. Talk to the person instead of talking to them: Nobody wants to be lectured or yelled at. The person who is struggling is scared and they need some encouragement in overcoming their fears and resistance to getting any assistance. Treat the person the way you would want to be treated if the roles were reversed.

3. Find out why the person won’t get help: Ask the person who is struggling to list the main reasons why they do not want help. It might take a few tries but try to find out what is stopping the person from getting treatment for their mental health problems. Fear and frustration are huge factors for not getting help.

4. Address the fears that the person may have: Once you get the reasons why the person is hesitant to solve their problems, the next step is to find the ways to help address the concerns the individual may have.  Addressing one’s fears and concerns may convince the person to take some action that will get their life back to normal.

5. Provide information on the benefits of therapy: Tell them how people experience improved mental health, coping skills, personal growth, and overall satisfaction and fulfillment in their lives. Share success stories or testimonials from people who have benefited from therapy. 

6. Emphasize that seeking help is a sign of strength: Stigma can be a powerful influence, so try to combat stigmatized ideas by highlighting how they will feel better in the long run. Remind them that their health is more important than what other people may think. 

7. Offer to help find a therapist: If they are willing to explore the idea further, offer to help them find a suitable therapist. You can assist with research and provide recommendations if they feel comfortable with your support.

8. Offer to go with them: It can be scary for the person to seek the services of a counselor. The fear of the unknown can be intimidating. Offer to go with the person as they start the process of getting help. A person who is struggling will feel better if they have someone, they trust accompanies them as they start their recovery.

If they remain resistant, it’s important to respect their boundaries while still offering your support and understanding. In some cases, they may reconsider their stance when they’re ready.

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