By: Stanley Popovich
You never know when a disaster may strike.
Sometimes, a person can become paralyzed by fear when something happens. As a result, it’s important to be prepared for any emergency.
How To Create an Emergency Plan
A little organization can go a long way toward helping you feel ready to handle the unexpected. Having an emergency plan can help you and your family be better prepared for any disaster or emergency. Here are some tips:
1. Create a plan: Make an emergency plan for your family and others and practice it. Include how to evacuate and what to do if family members become separated.
2. Have a contact person: Choose a friend or relative as a contact person for family members to call if they become separated during a disaster or emergency. It’s best to choose an out-of-area contact. Make sure every member of your household has the contact’s phone number. Email may be a good way to get in touch.
3. Have a meeting place: Pick a place to meet with others. This allows you to know who needs help if someone does not show up.
4. Include your pets in your plans: Some emergency shelters and health facilities may not accept animals. Make sure you have some idea on how you will take care of your pets.
5. Gather important documents: Keep important documents together and readily available in case you need to evacuate. This includes health information, lists of medications, birth certificates, marriage licenses, wills, insurance forms, phone numbers you might need, and credit card information.
6. Make a supply kit: Having a supply kit can help you and your family be better prepared for any disaster. Here are some things you should have:
Include the essentials: The most basic items you should have are food and water, first aid supplies and medicines, blankets and clothing, money, certain tools and household items, cell phone chargers, a battery-powered radio, a flashlight, and extra batteries. Include anything else that you feel may be helpful to you and your loved ones.
How To Stay Calm During an Emergency
An emergency will take you by surprise and you may get anxious and fearful. The last thing you want to do is to panic. The key is to manage your anxieties and scary thoughts and find a way to get to a safe place.
Here are some suggestions on how to stay calm and focused:
1. Take deep breaths: The key is not to panic. Taking deep breaths will help you to reduce your anxiety and will help you to think clearly if something does happen.
2. Think of something positive: After taking some deep breaths, the next step is to think of something positive. A person could say a prayer or think of their favorite vacation spot which will help to counter any negative thoughts.
Another way to manage your fearful thoughts during an emergency is to visualize a red stop sign in your mind. When a negative thought comes, a person should think of a red stop sign that serves as a reminder to stop focusing on that thought and to think of something else. A person can try to think of something uplifting to help calm down during an emergency.
3. Say a prayer: A person could say a small prayer asking God to help them during an emergency. Praying can help manage your fears and anxieties when you are in a scary situation. Asking God for help is a great way to seek comfort and provides hope that God will help you through this event.
4. Evaluate your surroundings: Once you calm down, be aware of what is going on around you. Try to find things near you that can help you get to safety. In addition, use common sense and good judgment in your decisions. For example, don’t stand by a window during a tornado or stay low to the ground if you’re building or home is on fire because smoke always rises.
5. Develop a plan to get to safety: After evaluating your situation, try to come up with a strategy to get yourself to safety. Follow any evacuation plans you may have that will get you to a safe place. In addition, follow any safety advice from others if you have access to a radio or a cell phone.
6. Give yourself positive encouragement: As you make your way to safety, keep telling yourself that you will make it and that you will survive. In addition, continue thinking of something positive to reduce your anxieties. It is important you do not panic as you make your way to safety.
Remember that worrying about the current situation will only make things worse. Worry will not change anything. The best thing you can do is to calm down and focus on how you can get to a safe place.
Steps To Take After an Emergency
It’s important to do the following when you and your family are safe.
• Assess injuries: Check yourself and others for injuries, providing first aid as needed, and addressing life-threatening situations first.
• Contact authorities: Report any major damage or injuries to emergency services.
• Check on neighbors: Reach out to your neighbors, the elderly, and people with disabilities to offer assistance.
• Listen to updates: Stay informed by listening to local news broadcasts or emergency alerts for instructions.
• Secure pets: Confine or secure your pets in a safe location.
• Use emergency supplies: Access your emergency kit for essential items like food, water, and first aid supplies.
• Communicate with others: Talk to the appropriate authorities and others to get information on the current situation. Follow any additional safety tips from others.
• Follow evacuation orders: If instructed to evacuate, follow the designated routes and procedures.
• Seek mental health support: Get mental health assistance to cope with the stress you may experience after the disaster.
It’s important to be prepared. If you live in an area that is prone to certain disasters, educate yourself on what you should do if something happens.
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