7 Tips On How To Get A Job When You Do Not Have Enough Experience

7 Tips On How To Get A Job When You Do Not Have Enough Experience

By: Stan Popovich

Do you have trouble getting a job because you do not have enough experience?

If so, here are seven tips on how to get the job you want in these kinds of situations.

1. Determine what you want to do: Find out what you like to do and find a job that will match your current skill sets and work interests. Your better off finding a job that you enjoy doing and where you can get some relevant job experience that can be used down the road.

2. Do some volunteer work: If you do not have enough job experience in your particular field of interest, your best bet is to do some volunteer work to get some experience. Working for free may not be the best option, but a few hours a week can give you some relevant job experience which you can put down on your resume. This will help reduce your fear of losing your job.

3. Apply to small companies: Many large companies get tons of job applicants when a position opens up. This reduces your chances of getting a job because you will lose out to someone who has more experience. The trick is to apply to companies that have less than twenty employees which will give you a better chance of getting the job you want.

4. Network and be creative: Ask your friends and relatives if they know of anyone who would be interested in hiring you. Find a local job search group that will show you how to create a resume and how to network your way to your favorite job.

5. Contact the department managers: Your best bet is to find out the manager in charge of the department you would like to work at and try contacting them. Focus your job efforts on those supervisors who have the power to hire you instead of relying on Human Resources.

6. Be flexible: If you can’t find a job in a particular field, then try to find something that might be similar. The more companies you can find that uses your skill sets, the better the chances you will find a job. Don’t rely on a few companies. Learn how to expand your horizons when doing a job search.

In addition, develop a budget to manage your expenses.  A budget will help you to pay your bills on time without running out of money while you look for a job. A budget will also help prevent you from spending money that you do not have which can help reduce your anxieties of paying your bills. Most importantly, taking control of your finances will make things easier for you during your job search.

7. Keep updating your career skills: Always get into the habit of updating your skills even if you have a job. Learning a new skill could be the key in finding another job if you lose your current one. Its important to get into the habit of improving your careers skills on a regular basis.

In addition, learn how to manage your worrying. It can be difficult not to get anxious when you are having trouble finding a job. Instead of getting stressed out, try to think of the positive things in your life. Take things one day at a time and do not try to predict what may happen in the future.

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